Friday, October 21, 2016


What is Car Impounding? 
Who are people avail Car Impounding?
Why is it necessary to Impound the Car? 
These are the FAQ frequently ask question, that the car owner is asking me..

Car Impounding is  the Surest and Fastest way of getting CASH. By simply pawning the Car itself,  in exchange of certain amount of Cash. Get from 50 to 80 percent of car market value, which is normally depend on the  Collateral Unit like: year model, brand of the vehicle, unit appearance and mileage.

Just early this month October of 2016,  a client came to me ( can't reveal his name of course). He has 2012 Ford Explorer AT, and he ask for a Car Loan without taking car. So I have him interviewed for at least few minutes, He told me that He has a bad credit record to several bank and financing companies. I still process it to Financing company  for CMAP checking to confirm about it,  and immediately it was confirmed that he has a Bad record which is normally called it CMAP ( Credit Management Association if the Philippines). For some it is called Replevin Case - means previous car was Repossessed by the bank for payment dafault. And if this is the case, He cannot get bank approval or financing approval. So Car Loan using ORCR is not for him.

But he told me, he need the cash asap, his wife is 8 month pregnant, and due to deliver baby anytime, and that is why he need the money right away.

Good thing I knew a Private Lender who accept Car Loan Impound. And eventually we go to him, he surrendered the Unit and the Vehicle ORCR, and he got P450K Cash in about an hour.

 Car Loan Impounding is for those:

A. Politician who own several cars.
B. Businessmen  or Corporation with immediate need of cash
C. Muslim brothers
D. Police, Military, Media Personnel and Lawyers
E. Private individual who declined by bank, lending companies and other financing institution.
F. Foreigner like, Korean, Japanese, American Etc.
G. Individual Car Owner, who has emergency need of Cash.
H.  Senior Citizen - Income not required

What are the requirements?

1. Unit be brought to office for inspection.
2. Original ORCR, must be on the borrowers name, Fully paid and not currently mortgage.
3. Copy of Deed of sale if still not under your name.
4. If the unit is under Corporate name, must bring the corporate papers, like board resolution, or SPA

For some  information, clarification about this, please ask the undersigned.

Contact Us:

Rodel K. Acuno
Fb: rodel acuno

1 comment:


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